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时间:2019-12-02 17:55  阅读:1



Guizhou ancient international boutique recommendation: Xianfeng treasure ten


藏品规格:重约:15.3g  直径约:3.71cm

Collection No.: pmxjp19259

Collection name: Xianfeng treasure ten

Collection specification: weight: 15.3g, diameter: 3.71cm 

藏品简介:咸丰重宝是清朝政府为筹款镇压太平军,缓解财政危机,于咸丰三年开铸的大钱,属于中国四大重宝之一,此种钱币十分精美,字迹清晰隽永,铜质优良,呈浅红或黄色,钱文精美,没有一丝拖泥带水,较于同时期流通的货币稍大且厚重一些。当五十及以下计值称为“咸丰重宝”,高于当五十计值称为“咸丰元宝”, 咸丰重宝当十铸造时间早,流通区域广,所以也是自古以来古钱爱好者最关心并致力于收藏和欣赏的计值钱币。



Collection introduction: Xianfeng heavy treasure is a large sum of money that was cast in three years of Xianfeng by the Qing government in order to raise money to suppress the Taiping Army and alleviate the financial crisis. It is one of the four major treasures in China. This kind of coin is very exquisite, with clear and meaningful handwriting, fine copper, light red or yellow, exquisite money, and no trace of muddle. Compared with the currency circulating in the same period, it is slightly larger and heavier. When the value of 50 and below is called "Xianfeng treasure", when the value is higher than 50, it is called "Xianfeng Yuanbao". Xianfeng heavy treasure when 10 was cast early and has a wide circulation area. Therefore, it is also the most valuable coin that ancient money lovers care about and are committed to collecting and appreciating since ancient times.

This coin is very exquisite, with clear and deep writing, fine copper, golden yellow color, exquisite money, without any trace of mud and water, slightly larger and heavier than the money circulating in the same version, round square mouth money, brass, pure and delicate, although yellow and bright as new, it also gives people a sense of aging. In song style, the characters are deep and precipitous, compact, sharp, and have obvious traces of manual carving. It is well preserved, exquisitely minted, thick in body, thick in bread and paste, and very exquisite in coins. The characters are correct, fluent, and stretch out, and shine even more in the sunlight.

In recent years, ancient coins have always been liked by everyone, so its existing quantity began to decrease gradually, which attracted the attention of collectors and researchers. The circulation time of Xianfeng treasure is only ten years short, so compared with the currency with a long circulation time, its existing quantity is rare. Whether its price trend or the historical significance and appreciation value of the collection are very high.


更多精品展示,敬请关注贵州上古国际精品推荐!More boutique exhibition, please pay attention to Guizhou ancient international boutique recommendation!

来源: 科创新闻网 责任编辑:TF002C
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