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时间:2019-12-02 17:58  阅读:1



Recommendation of ancient international boutiques in Guizhou: Qingtian stone seal in the late Qing Dynasty


藏品规格:重约:9.7kg 长约:13.5cm  高约:19.7cm

Collection No.: pmxjp19255

Collection name: Qingtian stone seal in late Qing Dynasty

Collection specification: weight: 9.7kg, length: 13.5cm, height: 19.7cm 





Collection introduction: Qingtian stone, mainly produced in Qingtian County, Zhejiang Province, is one of the four traditional seal stones in China. In China, together with Palin stone, Shoushan stone and Chang fossil, it is called the "four famous stones" of China.

The stone quality of Qingtian stone is not the same as Shoushan stone. Qingtian stone is the main tone of the basic color, Shoushan stone is red, yellow and white. Qingtian stone's famous products include light freezing, fish brain freezing, soy sauce freezing, door sealing green, landscape freezing, mint freezing, Tian Mo, Tian Bai, etc. Qingtian is one of the earliest and most widely used seal materials in China because of its warm stone, colorful, peculiar patterns and moderate hardness.

Every seal has a story behind it. Even after decades of baptism, we can still peep at the glory it once had on its old face. A good seal is an embodiment of self-worth. With its unique national cultural charm and artistic beauty, it has gradually become the object of collectors' collection, research and obsession

This Qingtian stone seal in the late Qing Dynasty weighs about 9.7kg and is about 13.5cm long and 19.37cm high. It's very rare because of its large volume. It's three-dimensional square, exquisite in decoration and carving, elegant in color and luster, warm in texture, natural in coating and ice quality. It's really a rare Boutique among many products now. Looking at the work, the master craftsman used his skillful technique to carve the Tian Qingtian stone seal perfectly, as if it was mixed with the owner. It is delicate and natural in detail processing, unique in texture and depiction, soft and beautiful in knife work, and exquisite in seal carving. The craftsmanship of this Qingtian stone seal is uncanny and powerful in carving, which shows the humanistic charm and artistic value of this work.


更多精品展示,敬请关注贵州上古国际精品推荐!More boutique exhibition, please pay attention to Guizhou ancient international boutique recommendation!

来源: 科创新闻网 责任编辑:TF002C
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