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时间:2019-12-02 17:59  阅读:1



Guizhou ancient international boutique recommendation: half round nickel in the thirty first year of the Republic of China


藏品规格:重量:8.5g  直径:2.78cmCollection No.: pmxjp19249

Collection name: half round nickel in the thirty first year of the Republic of China

Collection specification: weight: 8.5g diameter: 2.78cm 



Collection introduction: Mr. Sun Yat Sen is the pioneer of the modern democratic revolution in China, the great forerunner of the democratic revolution in China, the founder of the Republic of China and the Kuomintang, and the advocator of the three people's principles. His founding of the five power constitution, the first anti feudalism banner, "from the Republic to the end of the two thousand years of monarchy", in order to transform China, exhausted all his life's energy, left indelible achievements in history, but also for the political and successors to establish a solid and precious heritage. Dr. Sun Yat Sen plays an important role in China's reform and development and is deeply admired by people. In the twenty fourth year of the Republic of China (1935), the national government abolished the silver standard system, issued a law and currency order to gradually prohibit the circulation of silver, and nationalized silver. In the twenty fourth year of the Republic of China, a new currency nickel was issued to replace silver dollar and silver Hao. Moreover, nickel was a relatively precious metal at that time. The issue of sunxiang Gubu nickel was used to replace the silver dollar and silver coin at that time. The currency ratio was the same as that of silver coin, which was exchanged for a certain amount of copper coin or other currencies. At that time, people in the Republic of China also used it as silver coin. Sunxiang Gubu nickel coin is also the most complete set of coins in the Republic of China. It has a complete range of types and is the most exquisite one among the circulation coins of the Republic of China.

Sun Yat Sen's half round nickel coin in the thirty first year of the Republic of China is a fine coin in modern China. It has historical edification, is a revolutionary cultural relic of high value, and has profound historical significance. At the same time, it is also a rare object for Archaeology and research of Chinese history and culture. This thirty-one and a half round nickel coin of the Republic of China is exquisite in appearance, elegant in ornamentation, wrapped in pulp, and naturally rusty in color. It can still be preserved even after endless years of baptism. It is not easy, and has rich historical value! The obverse center of the coin is Sun Yat Sen's side portrait, and the inside edge of the coin is engraved with the eight characters of "thirty-one years of the Republic of China"; the ornament is exquisite, the depiction is meticulous, the facial features are profound, and the shape and spirit are vivid All of them are ready, even the hair, clothing lines and other small things are clearly visible, and the workmanship is extremely exquisite. On the back of the coin, there is a cloth pattern in the center. On both sides of the old coin, the value of the coin is engraved with "semicircle". The font is dignified and elegant, neat and mellow, powerful, straight and handsome, with great calligraphy value. The front and back coils of coins are engraved with palisades according to the outline edge. They are of exquisite design, unique modeling, beautiful and unique. They are actually a rare collection of coins with great collection value!


更多精品展示,敬请关注贵州上古国际精品推荐!More boutique exhibition, please pay attention to Guizhou ancient international boutique recommendation!

来源: 科创新闻网 责任编辑:TF002C
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