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时间:2019-12-23 15:40  阅读:1



Guizhou ancient international boutique recommendation: Dragon and phoenix pattern on the back of Tongbao of Zhou Yuan


藏品规格: 直径:2.28cm   重量:4.3g

Collection No.: PMXJP19274

Collection name: Dragon and phoenix pattern on the back of Tongbao, Zhou Yuan

Collection specification: diameter: 2.28cm weight: 4.3g



Collection introduction: Zhouyuan Tongbao is the currency of the Five Dynasties and ten countries. It is also recognized as the most exquisite coin among the Five Dynasties. It was first cast in the second year of Xiande, Emperor Shizong of Zhou Dynasty (955 A.D.). Shizong Xiande was founded in 955. Imitating the Tang Dynasty's "Kaiyuan Tongbao" money, it was named "Zhouyuan Tongbao". In 954 ad, after Chai Rong was succeeded by Zhou Shizong, in order to raise military salaries and appease the people, he ordered the destruction of the Buddha at the beginning of his accession, destroyed the bronze statues in the Buddhist temple, and forged "Zhou Yuan Tong Bao", which destroyed 336 Buddhist temples in the world. Because the Tongbao of Zhou Yuan was made of Buddha and copper with good effect of eliminating evil spirits, some folk prescriptions also used it as medicine to cure diseases. In the book shadow, it said that "women holding the money can cure dystocia"; in the Jinling area of Qing Dynasty, there was a custom that dystocia women holding the Tongbao of Zhou Yuan can deliver successfully, and others said that the Tongbao of Zhou Yuan can cure malaria. As a kind of money destroying Buddhism, Zhou Yuan Tongbao had a profound and significant influence on the history of Chinese coins and religion.

This Zhouyuan Tongbao is an ancestral treasure, which is well preserved and weighs about 4.3G and has a diameter of about 2.28cm. The outer contour is wider and the inner contour is thinner. After the professional appraisal by Wang CITIC, a state-level appraisal teacher, the concurrent appraisal certificate is: in the Qing Dynasty, the workmanship was fine and excellent. On the front, the word "Zhou" is square and symmetrical, the word "Yuan" is long and horizontally selected from the left, which is flat compared with Kaiyuan Tongbao, and the word "Bao" is smaller. Qian Wenzhuang is heavy, straight and deep. The back of the dragon and phoenix is light gold, with delicate carving, clear dragon and Phoenix texture, concave and convex, strong three-dimensional sense, and vivid dragon and Phoenix. The whole coin is covered with round pulp, with obvious historical traces and excellent preservation method, which is actually a rare boutique among many collections.


更多精品展示,敬请关注贵州上古国际精品推荐!More boutique exhibition, please pay attention to Guizhou ancient international boutique recommendation!

来源: 科创新闻网 责任编辑:TF002C
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