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时间:2020-01-13 11:04  阅读:1



Recommendation of Guizhou ancient international boutique: Sichuan copper coin group


藏品规格:1号重约:21.4g  直径约:3.92cm 

                   2号重约:21.8g  直径约:3.97cm     

Collection No.: pmxjp19284

Collection name: Sichuan copper coin group

Collection specification: No.1 weight: 21.4g diameter: 3.92cm

2 weight: 21.8g diameter: 3.97cm




Collection introduction: in December 1911, the "Chengdu rebellion" took place. The Sichuan military government, with Yin Changheng and Luo Lun as the chief and deputy governors, replaced the Sichuan military government of the Han Dynasty, which had only been built for 12 days. It quickly accepted the Sichuan Chengdu mint and decided to cast "Sichuan copper coins" for emergency. In April of the first year of the Republic of China (1912), Sichuan Chengdu Mint was ordered by the Sichuan military government to cast "Sichuan copper coins made by the military government".

The main function of Sichuan copper coin is to pay for military use, so it has dual functions of military currency and civil currency. There are 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 denominations of this coin, of which 100 is extremely rare. However, the 50 Wen coin is less, and the 10 Wen coin is the largest. It can be seen that this 100 Wen Sichuan copper coin is a rare boutique in the world, extremely rare and of great collection value. Sichuan copper coin made by the military government represents the currency culture of modern China, reflects the rise and fall of modern history, economy and finance of our country and vicissitudes of life. It has a high artistic value and cultural relic value, as well as a certain function of preservation and appreciation.

This group of coins is composed of one hundred Sichuan copper coins made by the military government, four characters of Sichuan copper coins on the obverse, with a pattern of Begonia in the middle, four characters of "made by the military government" on the upper margin, and one hundred Dang coins on the lower margin, indicating the value of the coins. There is a flower star pattern on the left and right. There is a circle in the center, in which a seal character "Han" is used. There are 18 small circles around the circle, representing 18 provinces at that time, and 18 circles around the word "Han", implying that the people of 18 provinces unite to fight for "expelling Tartars and restoring China". It bears the distinctive mark of the time of the revolution of 1911 and witnesses the magnificent history of the Republic of China! The currency issued by Sichuan military government aims to raise military pay and maintain government expenditure, so it is of great historical significance. As ancient coins are no longer issued, there are few existing ones, and people's lives are inseparable at that time. They are very important historical materials for studying the economic history and diplomatic history of various countries. This group of Sichuan copper coins has a huge appreciation space and high collection and archaeological value.


更多精品展示,敬请关注贵州上古国际精品推荐!More boutique exhibition, please pay attention to Guizhou ancient international boutique recommendation!

来源: 科创新闻网 责任编辑:TF002C
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