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时间:2020-01-13 11:05  阅读:1



Recommendation of Guizhou ancient international boutique: fossil leaves 


藏品规格:重约:454.6g    直径约:10.02cm       宽约:8.62cm   

Collection No.: pmxjp19283

Collection name: fossil leaves

Collection specification: weight: 454.6g, diameter: 10.02cm, width: 8.62cm

藏品简介:大角盆地(Bighorn Basin)发现的树叶化石。科学家首次发现了来自5千5百万年前全球气候迅速变暖时期的树叶化石。这些叶子讲述了那个时期生活在地球上的植物的“故事”:由于气候的迅速变暖,导致了本来定居在南方的树木和灌木匆忙地“迁徙”到了北方。实际上,这些植物从墨西哥湾岸区移到了美国怀俄明州用了1万年左右的时间里,总计“行程”1000英里。

一个叫做“古新纪-始新世极热时期”(Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum,或PETM)的全球突然变暖时期,使整个地球上升了18个华氏温度(摄氏10度)。过去的研究常常把PETM和大量海底生物的灭绝以及哺乳动物通过北极大陆桥的迁徙联系在一起。一篇发表于十一月《科学》期刊上的研究报告称,找到了最新的证据证明,气候变暖同样也影响到了陆地植物。


Collection introduction: fossil leaves found in bighorn Basin. For the first time, scientists have found fossilized leaves from the period of rapid global warming 55 million years ago. These leaves tell the "story" of the plants that lived on the earth at that time: due to the rapid warming of the climate, the trees and shrubs that had settled in the South rushed to the north. In fact, it took about 10000 years for these plants to move from the Gulf coast to Wyoming, with a total "journey" of 1000 miles.

A period of sudden global warming called the Paleocene Eocene thermal maximum, or PETM, raised the temperature of the whole earth by 18 Fahrenheit degrees (10 degrees Celsius). Past studies have often linked PETM to the extinction of a large number of benthos and the migration of mammals through the Arctic continental bridge. A study published in the November issue of Science found the latest evidence that climate change also affects land plants.

The fossil has clear lines and a sense of age. Excellent appearance, high collection value, loved by the majority of collectors.


更多精品展示,敬请关注贵州上古国际精品推荐!More boutique exhibition, please pay attention to Guizhou ancient international boutique recommendation!

来源: 科创新闻网 责任编辑:TF002C
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