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时间:2020-04-23 14:40  阅读:1



Guizhou Qianhe special recommendation: nanmu 



艺术品规格:长约:100cm  宽约:38.3cm                                                                                                        

Art No.: qhbj200015

Artwork Name: Phoebe

Artwork specification: length: 100cm, width: 38.3cm 




Introduction to art:

In history, nanmu, Zhangmu, Zizi and Zhuo are called four famous trees, and nanmu is crowned with its head, which shows how much people like nanmu. In Chinese architecture, Phoebe is always regarded as the most ideal, precious and advanced building material, and it is widely used in palace garden and temple mausoleum. According to the exhibition, there are three kinds of Nanmu: the first is fragrant nanmu, which is purple and fragrant, with beautiful texture; the second is golden nanmu (the alias of Zhennan and Zinan), in which there is golden wire, which is the best one among nanmu. What's more, some nanmu materials are formed into natural mountain and water figure patterns; the third is Shuinan, which is soft and uses it to make furniture. In ancient times, the Dragon chair throne of feudal emperors should be made of high-quality nanmu, which is also a special material for building royal palaces, mausoleums and gardens in ancient times. This kind of tree has been rare since the Qing Dynasty. In "wuzazu" written by Xie in Hangzhou in the late Ming Dynasty, it is mentioned that nanmu was born in Chu and Shu, and he was in the deep valley without knowing his age. He did a hundred Zhang's work and half buried the sand. Therefore, he thought the coffin was a sand board. Good board solution has texture, as hard as iron. Those who try to use the moon to make a box, which is filled with raw meat and opened for several nights, the color will not change. Different from Zhennan, Zhennan wood texture has no "gold wire".

Phoebe is the highest quality of Phoebe, because of its rare resources and very slow growth. Since ancient times, it is a symbol of Royal cultural symbols, known as "emperor wood". "In the Expo summary" it is recorded that "when the golden silk comes out of the Sichuan stream, the wood grain has golden silk, and the nanmu is the most beautiful".          



More boutique exhibition, Please pay attention to Guizhou Qianhe art special recommendation!

来源: 科创新闻网 责任编辑:TF002C
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