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时间:2020-04-23 14:43  阅读:1



Guizhou Qianhe special recommendation: group 1, zaoguangxu Yuanbao, Yunnan Province 



艺术品规格:重约:13.2g ,直径约:3.32cm

                    重约:13.5g ,直径约;3.36cm

Art No.: qhbj200005

Art name: group 1, Yuanbao, zaoguangxu, Yunnan Province

Artwork specification: weight: 13.2g, diameter: 3.32cm

Weight: 13.5g, diameter: 3.36cm            


    光绪末年,云南省获准在昆明宝云局旧址设厂,以德国进口机器,招用四川技工,天津户部造币厂配发祖模,于光绪三十三年( 1907 年)建成云南银元局,后更名云南造币厂,批量生产"光绪元宝"银币。“云南省造光绪元宝”,俗称“云南龙洋”,因银元背面一般铸有龙纹而得名。因清代以来经历了多场战争,龙纹光绪元宝损失严重,至今,数量已经极其有限,因而具有无法言喻的艺术收藏价值。


Introduction to art:

In the last year of Guangxu, Yunnan Province was allowed to set up a factory at the old site of Baoyun Bureau in Kunming. With imported machines from Germany, Sichuan technicians were recruited, and zumo was distributed by Tianjin Hubu mint. In 1907, Yunnan silver yuan Bureau was established in Guangxu, then renamed Yunnan mint, and "guangxuyuanbao" silver coins were mass produced. "Yunnan made Guangxu Yuanbao", commonly known as "Yunnan Longyang", is named after the dragon pattern on the back of the silver dollar. Since the Qing Dynasty, there have been many wars, and the loss of Longwen Guangxu Yuanbao is serious. Up to now, the number has been extremely limited, so it has an indescribable value of art collection.

This coin is made of Guangxu Yuanbao in Yunnan Province. It has an inscription on the front, four characters in regular script on the top, three coins and six cents on the bottom, four characters in the center. The center of the coin is the Manchu literal translation of Guangxu Yuanbao. There is a hexagon pattern on both sides of the outer ring. In the center of the back is the dragon totem. The pattern is carved like a knife. The casting process is superb. The dragon tattoo is exquisite, bright and lustrous, natural and pure, bright and clean. The top of the outer ring is cast with "Yunnan Province" in English and the bottom with "Kuping three coins and six cents", and the two sides are decorated with hexagonal patterns. Although the coin has experienced the baptism of years and the precipitation of history, it is still relatively complete. The two sides of the coin become very smooth, and will emit a light silver light under the soft light. Touch with your hand gently, you can feel the dragon patterns and characters on the cool surface. They are of good texture, beautiful and generous as a whole, as if with a king's noble spirit and scarce quantity. They are rare in the world and have an indescribable collection value.



More boutique exhibition, Please pay attention to Guizhou Qianhe art special recommendation!

来源: 科创新闻网 责任编辑:TF002C
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