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时间:2020-05-25 16:26  阅读:1



Guizhou Qianhe special recommendation: Ivory scale 



艺术品规格:重约:290.6g   直径约:50 cm                                                                                   

Art No.: qhbj200026

Art name: Ivory

Artwork specification: weight: 290.6g, diameter: 50cm 




Introduction to art:

The ancient scale is the product of the wisdom of the ancient working people, once occupied an important position in people's life. Although thousands of years of traditional culture has been replaced by modern high-tech and completed its whole journey, ancient scale is also one of the treasures of Chinese civilization. It is engraved with the prosperous history of ancient commerce. Collecting ancient scale is the inheritance of ancient culture.

In this paper, a group of ivory steelyard in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China consists of a wooden scale box, a copper scale plate and an ivory scale rod, with a length of 50cm and a weight of about 290.6g. The scale rod and the scale plate are hidden in a small wooden box, which looks like a lute without any carving patterns. There are long grooves for the steelyard and circular recesses for the scale plate and the scale. This collection is a special micro scale with unique technology, excellent production and rare existence.


更多精品展示,敬请关注贵州乾禾艺术品特别推荐!More boutique exhibition, Please pay attention to Guizhou Qianhe art special recommendation!

来源: 科创新闻网 责任编辑:TF002C
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