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时间:2020-05-25 22:27  阅读:1



Guizhou Qianhe special recommendation: sun xiaotou sailing coins group 1 



艺术品规格:重约:26.7g   直径约:3.96cm 

            重约:26.9g   直径约:3.95cm                                                                                   

Art No.: qhbj200024

Art name: sun xiaotou sailing coins group I

Artwork specification: weight: 26.7g, diameter: 3.96cm

Weight: 26.9g diameter: 3.95cm 



Introduction to art:

In the period of the Republic of China, silver coins with the head of Dr. Sun Yat Sen engraved in various formats were cast and issued, which is now one of the hottest coins in the collection. Different historical periods will leave different historical imprints. Sun Yat Sen's shuangfan coin, produced in the twenty-four years of the Republic of China, became one of the major currencies in that particular historical period. It is surprising that the currency has been worn out for a hundred years and is still treasured by folk collectors. The surface of the coin shows a light silver luster. Through the contrast and refraction of light, it still permeates the silver mottled ancient "slurry", which is the reproduction of the naturally formed "track of time". Sailboat coin of the Republic of China is one of the ten famous coins in modern China. Its fame is determined by its historic and rarity. According to relevant information, the double sail coins of Sun Yat Sen's head are mostly made by Shanghai Central Mint. At present, the value of these double sail coins is usually only one yuan and the middle yuan. This collection was made by sun xiaotou, shuangfan, in the 24th year of the Republic of China. The whole coin is made of snowflake silver, with the inscription of "the 24th year of the Republic of China" on the top of the obverse, Sun Yat-sen's profile on the bottom, a circle on the middle of the back, and a schooner in the middle. This coin has clear characters, exquisite designs, vivid and vivid head images, and exquisite casting techniques. Moreover, the collection is well preserved, with natural color. Although there is a little rust, it does not hinder its product appearance, but it is more natural and delicate, with appropriate depth of text and text. Sun Yat Sen's head is vivid in the coin. The design is novel, the casting is exquisite, and it has high collection value and artistic value!



More boutique exhibition, Please pay attention to Guizhou Qianhe art special recommendation!

来源: 科创新闻网 责任编辑:TF002C
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