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时间:2020-06-11 18:17  阅读:1



Guizhou Qianhe special recommendation: the God of wealth made in Qianlong 



艺术品规格:重约:2740.8g  高约:26.146cm              

Art No.: qhbj200037

Art name: the God of wealth in Qianlong

Artwork specification: weight: 2740.8g height: 26.146cm 





Introduction to art:

Although the God of wealth is a mythical figure, it has been influencing people for thousands of years. People make bronze statues of the God of wealth to worship and protect their own good fortune. Up to now, we still see the existence of the statue of the God of wealth in the shops, units, houses and other places in our life. People's life itself is a yearning for the wealth, but the bronze statues of the God of wealth can give people a good life With such solace in mind, the upsurge of the bronze statue of the God of wealth in the industry has never been weakened. People put the bronze statue of the God of wealth in the hope of more fortune. In family business, there are many kinds of bronze statues of the God of wealth. Different gods of wealth have different ways of offering.

Most of the statues of the God of wealth are worshipped by the Han people. In the Han people, the God of wealth is the God in charge of financial resources, which is mainly divided into two categories: one is granted by Taoism, the other is the Han people's folk belief. Taoism is granted as the God of heavenly officials. The Han people's folk belief is the God of heavenly officials. After all, the legend does not have reality, and people can change with their own ideas. Therefore, there are The God of culture and wealth, the God of martial arts and the God of land and wealth, etc. are endowed with realistic color and more close to people's life, which is also the charm and influence of statues.

This statue of the God of wealth, made in Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, holds a treasure pot in his hands, which means to attract money and treasure. Everything goes well and is lucky. The treasure of the Yuan Dynasty means to harvest a lot of money and harvest. The statue of the God of wealth is made of bronze. The face of the God of wealth is peaceful, the body is correct, and the overall casting is exquisite and coordinated. It can be called a masterpiece of bronze sculpture in the Qing Dynasty. It is a rare treasure of the Qing Dynasty


更多精品展示,敬请关注贵州乾禾艺术品特别推荐!More boutique exhibition, Please pay attention to Guizhou Qianhe art special recommendation!

来源: 科创新闻网 责任编辑:TF002C
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