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时间:2020-06-28 14:34  阅读:1



Guizhou Qianhe special recommendation: landscape painting Huang Jun 



规格:宽约:66.4cm  长约:153cm

Art No.: qhxjp20064

Art name: landscape painting Huang Jun

Artwork specification: width: about 66.4cm, length: about 153cm

艺术品简介:    黄均(1775-1850),字上琓,号榖原、榖源、香畴、墨华居士、墨华庵主,元和(今苏州)人。黄均在嘉庆间,作为宫廷画家供奉内廷有年。后来放于湖北做官。以议叙官汉阳主簿,施南同知。黄俊画山水、花卉、梅竹,入手即通其妙,而於山水尤尽能事,是娄东画派的殿军式人物,黄均是娄东画派的最后一位大家。其绘画继承了王原祁的娄东艺术风貌并有着自己的创见,作品墨法苍润,文气内敛,书画皆精,被鉴评家赞为“娄东嗣响”!清代中后期的山水大师黄榖原!    山水画具有很高的情趣美,是一幅画里情调和趣味所产生出的美感。古代山水画情趣美包括笔墨的情趣美、造型的情趣美、构图的情趣美。在传统山水画里,笔墨始终是情意的附庸,是观念的载体,是程式的奴仆,造型、构图也是如此。山水画不一定非要居中而绘,构图方式可以灵活多变,偏山斜水也别有情趣。山水画具有一定的抽象性,而其表现形态主要是笔悄墨趣。国画又以意象造型为主,意象造型可使画家能比较自由地造型和处理构图。山水画的抽象性、意象性使国画的情趣美具有很大的挖掘潜力和展示空间,山水画尤其这样。情趣美是国画的又一魅力,也是画家们孜孜追求的目标。

Introduction to art:Huang Jun (1775-1850), with the name of Shangyao, was born in Guyuan, Guyuan, xiangchou, mehua Buddhist nunnery, and Yuanhe (now Suzhou). Huang Jun was in Jiaqing. As a court painter, he was dedicated to the inner court for a long time. Later, he was placed in Hubei as an official. In order to discuss the Xuguan Hanyang master, Shi Nan Tongzhi. Huang Jun's painting of landscapes, flowers and plum bamboos is the best way to get through them, and he is the most important figure in Loudong School of painting. Huang Jun is the last master of Loudong School of painting. His painting inherits the artistic style of Loudong by Wang Yuanqi and has his own creative ideas. His works are characterized by mellow ink, restrained writing style and excellent painting and calligraphy! Huang Guyuan, the master of landscape in the middle and late Qing Dynasty!Landscape painting has a high beauty of interest, which is the aesthetic feeling produced by the sentiment and interest in a painting. The interest beauty of ancient landscape painting includes the interest beauty of brush and ink, the interest beauty of modeling and the interest beauty of composition. In the traditional landscape painting, ink is always the vassal of sentiment, the carrier of ideas, the slave of formula, so is the shape and composition. Landscape painting does not have to be drawn in the middle. The composition can be flexible and changeable. There is no interest in slanting mountains and rivers. Landscape painting is abstract to some extent, and its form of expression is mainly the interest of pen and ink. Traditional Chinese painting is mainly based on image modeling, which enables the painter to more freely shape and deal with composition. The abstractness and imagery of landscape painting make the beauty of Chinese painting have great potential to explore and display, especially in landscape painting. The beauty of interest is another charm of traditional Chinese painting, and it is also the goal pursued by painters.


更多精品展示,敬请关注贵州乾禾艺术品特别推荐!More boutique exhibition, Please pay attention to Guizhou Qianhe art special recommendation!

来源: 科创新闻网 责任编辑:TF002C
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