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时间:2020-06-28 14:37  阅读:1



Guizhou Qianhe special recommendation: yuan Datou (four years of the Republic of China) Double Flag coin (when making 20 papers) 



艺术品规格:重约:18.6g  直径约:3.89cm                     

                    重约:10.2g  直径约:3.21cm  

Art No.: qhxjp20057

Artwork Name: yuan Datou (four years of the Republic of China) Double Flag coin (when making 20 articles)

Artwork specification: weight: 18.6g, diameter: 3.89cmWeight: 10.2g diameter: 3.21cm

艺术品简介:     袁大头重约:18.6g 直径约:3.89cm    双旗币重约:10.2g 直径约:3.21cm 民国四年袁大头少有人知,此币是由天津造币厂(原“直隶户部造币厂”)铸造。但该币在发行之初就遭到很多人的反对,在上海成立上海商业储蓄银行的陈光甫就坚决反对。然而此时的袁世凯迫于孙中山派胡汉民等赴菲律宾,许崇智等赴南洋筹饷加快讨袁的压力,执意决定发行以充实国库,但是由于当时的种种原因,“四年”银币只试铸几枚,便停了。袁世凯于1916年6月6日死于北京,混乱的时局下他的继任者处于种种因素的考虑,终停止“四年”银币的发行。取而代之的是之后的民国8、9、10年版大洋。所以如今民国四年袁大头存世极其稀少,非常珍贵。    双旗币普遍流通的都是当十文的,二十文的发行数量较少,在中国历史上仅仅存在了几十年的时间,因此能保留下来的钱币十分稀少。这种正面镌刻有“二十文”楷体字、反面印制着双面旗帜的全真纪念币,也在当今的藏品市场中并不多见。此铜币上面的锈迹也见证了其历史的积淀,具有非常明显的历史过渡性特征,有着难以言喻的收藏价值。 

   Introduction to art:Yuan Datou's weight: 18.6g, diameter: 3.89cm, Double Flag coin weight: 10.2g, diameter: 3.21cm, which was rarely known in the four years of the Republic of China, was minted by Tianjin mint (formerly "Zhili Hubu MINT"). However, the coin was opposed by many people at the beginning of its issuance, and Chen Guangfu, who established the Shanghai Commercial savings bank in Shanghai, firmly opposed it. However, Yuan Shikai was forced by Sun Yat-sen to send Hu Hanmin and others to the Philippines, Xu Chongzhi and others to Nanyang to raise wages and speed up the pressure of yuan, determined to issue to enrich the national treasury, but because of various reasons at that time, the "Four-year" silver coins only tried to cast a few, and then stopped. Yuan Shikai died in Beijing on June 6, 1916. His successor was in consideration of various factors under the chaotic situation, and finally stopped the issuance of "Four-year" silver coins. It was replaced by the Republic of China Version 8, 9 and 10. Therefore, in the four years of the Republic of China, the existence of yuan Datou is extremely rare and precious.Double Flag coins are generally circulated in ten pieces, and the number of 20 pieces is relatively small. They only exist for decades in Chinese history, so there are very few coins that can be preserved. This kind of commemorative coin with 20 characters engraved on the obverse and double-sided flag printed on the reverse is also rare in today's collection market. The rust on this copper coin also witnessed the accumulation of its history, with very obvious historical transitional characteristics, and has an inexpressible collection value.


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来源: 科创新闻网 责任编辑:TF002C
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