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时间:2020-07-04 16:49  阅读:1



Special recommendation of Guizhou Qianhe: exquisite nickel coin 



艺术品规格:重约5.1g  直径约:2.55cm                                                                        

Art No.: qhxjp20044

Art name: exquisite nickel

Artwork specification: weight: 5.1g, diameter: 2.55cm 




Introduction to art works:

After the revolution of 1911, the representatives of 17 provinces who were restored gathered in Nanjing to discuss and select their leaders. Dr. Sun Yat Sen was elected as the provisional president of the Republic of China. At that time, because the currency system had not yet been established, in order to stabilize the economy at that time for circulation needs, Chen Jintao, Minister of finance of the provisional government, submitted a letter to President Sun Yat Sen on March 11, the first year of the Republic of China, advocating a new currency for rectification 。 The design adopts the portrait of President Sun Yat Sen. After the announcement of the founding of the capital in April, the national government actively planned to issue new national coins with the portrait of Sun Yat Sen. During the period of the Republic of China, coins with the head of Dr. Sun Yat Sen were issued. Nickel is one of them.

This nickel coin has a very small circulation, so its current stock is even rarer. With the continuous heating up of collection investment, nickel coins are extremely popular in the money market, which may become a "black horse" in the field of collection and investment in the future, and its price has been rising all the way. In particular, treasures are very active in the collection trading market. Therefore, it is most suitable for folk collectors to collect and invest.


更多精品展示,敬请关注贵州乾禾艺术品特别推荐!More boutique exhibition, Please pay attention to Guizhou Qianhe art special recommendation!

来源: 科创新闻网 责任编辑:TF002C
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