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时间:2020-08-05 09:43  阅读:1



Guizhou Qianhe special recommendation: Hetian Lanzhi white jade



艺术品规格:重约:53.9820g   内径约:58.0mm   条粗约:10.6mm    

Art No.: qhdb200109

Art name: Hetian Lanzhi white jade

Artwork specification: weight: 53.9820g, inner diameter: 58.0mm    Bar thickness: 10.6mm

艺术品简介:   羊脂白玉又“羊脂玉”,顾名思义就是犹如羊脂(俗称羊油)一样的玉石。现代宝玉石学家的解释是:优质和田玉白玉,其颜色呈脂白色(可稍泛淡青色、乳黄色等),质地细腻滋润,油脂性好,可有少量石花等杂质。羊脂白玉中主要含有透闪石(95%)、阳起石和绿帘石,状如凝脂,为软玉的一类。 [1] 羊脂白玉属于和田玉白玉玉中的优质品种,羊脂白玉是带着油脂光泽的纯白,在烛光之下的光晕是柔和而微微泛黄的,如同凝脂一般, [2]  羊脂白玉的子玉浸泡在昆仑山下荒原或绿洲的地下水土中千百万年,产量稀少价值很高。羊脂白玉晶莹洁白,细腻滋润而少瑕疵,“白如截肪”。其特点就是,特别的细腻、光亮、温润。上佳的羊脂白玉近于无瑕,好似刚刚割开的肥羊脂肪肉,而光泽正如凝炼的油脂。

Introduction to art works:Lanzhi white jade is also called "Lanzhi jade". As the name suggests, it is a jade like lanolin (commonly known as lanolin). The explanation of modern gemmologists is: high quality Hotan jade white jade, its color is fat white (can be slightly pale blue, milky yellow, etc.), the texture is delicate and moist, good oil property, and there may be a small amount of stone flowers and other impurities. The lanolin white jade mainly contains tremolite (95%), actinolite and epidote. It is a kind of nephrite.  [1]Lanzhi white jade belongs to the high-quality variety of Hetian jade. It is pure white with grease luster, and the halo under candle light is soft and slightly yellowing, just like gelling grease. [2] the Ziyu of Lanzhi white jade has been immersed in groundwater soil of wasteland or oasis under Kunlun Mountain for millions of years, with rare yield and high value. Lanolin white jade crystal white, delicate moisture and less defects, "white as fat cut.". Its characteristic is, special delicate, bright, gentle. The best white jade is almost flawless, just like the fat just cut, and the luster is like condensed grease.


更多精品展示,敬请关注贵州乾禾艺术品特别推荐!More boutique exhibition, Please pay attention to Guizhou Qianhe art special recommendation!

来源: 科创新闻网 责任编辑:TF002C
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