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时间:2020-08-05 09:59  阅读:1



1905Guizhou Qianhe special recommendation: sitting foreign currency 1905

艺术品编号: QHXJP20105


艺术品规格:重约:20.3g  直径约:3.87cm

Art No.: qhxjp20105

Art name: sitting foreign currency 1905

Artwork specification: weight: 20.3g, diameter: 3.87cm

艺术品简介:  法属印度支那贸易银圆,俗称坐洋,为清末民初在华流通的外国银圆之一。银币正面为自由女神坐像,背面的装饰图案为麦穗,法文有"贸易银元"和"法属印度支那"等。坐洋,根据1952年在人民银行内部出版的《银元图说》,其正式名称应为安南银元,亦称"坐人"、"法光"、因为这种银币正面所铸的自由女神坐像头上的花圈有光芒七束,俗称"七角"。但为了叙述方便下文仍采用"坐洋"的说法。由于坐人开始铸造无论从成色及重量上都优于鹰洋,很快就占领了统治地位。在中国发行的时间1903-1933年截至,在中国短短流通了30年左右的时间。其中因中国1933年实行了废两改元后,坐洋币也随之消失,不可多得的收藏重器、极为罕见、保存完整、此类似重器大多收藏在海外博物馆、国内博物馆都极为罕见。属于较为珍贵稀少的钱币类型,具有很高的收藏价值和升值空间。此枚座洋币品相完整,包浆老旧。注:此组钱币本身包浆老道自然具有非常明显的历史过渡性特征,市场升值空间巨大,乃深值收藏之佳品!    

Introduction to art works:The silver trade of French Indochina is commonly known as "Yang Yang", one of the foreign silver coins circulated in China at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China. The silver coin is on the front side of the statue of liberty. The decorative pattern on the back is wheat ear. French has "trade silver dollar" and "French Indochina". According to the illustration of silver dollar published by the people's Bank of China in 1952, its official name should be Annam silver dollar, also known as "sitting man" and "Fa Guang". Because the wreath on the head of the statue of liberty on the front of this silver coin has seven beams of light, commonly known as "seven horns". However, for the sake of narrative convenience, the following is still used "sitting abroad". Because of the beginning of casting, it was superior to the eagle in color and weight, and soon occupied the dominant position. It was issued in China from 1903 to 1933, and has been in circulation for about 30 years. Since China implemented the abolition of the two yuan system in 1933, the foreign currency coins also disappeared. The rare collection of heavy objects is extremely rare and well preserved. Most of the similar heavy objects are collected in overseas museums and domestic museums. It belongs to the relatively rare type of coins, with high collection value and appreciation space. This coin is complete in appearance and old in color.Note: this group of coins has a very obvious historical transitional characteristics, and the market appreciation space is huge, so it is a good collection with deep value!  


更多精品展示,敬请关注贵州乾禾艺术品特别推荐!More boutique exhibition, Please pay attention to Guizhou Qianhe art special recommendation!

来源: 科创新闻网 责任编辑:TF002C
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