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时间:2020-08-05 10:01  阅读:1



A group of meteorites recommended by Qianhe, Guizhou



艺术品规格:重约:42.3g  直径约:不规则  

Art No.: qhxjp20100

Art name: a group of meteorites

Artwork specification: weight: 42.3g, diameter: irregular

艺术品简介:   陨星在进入地球外围的大气层时,绝大部分陨星体都是以旋转翻腾的姿态降落运行的,所以石陨石自身熔融外表能显示陨流纹的石陨石只是很少一部分,这部分石陨石称为定向石陨石。在不断旋转飞行被高温熔化的陨星表面是不会出现陨流纹(陨流线)的痕迹,只有在不旋转的定向运行的条件下降落的石陨石,才会出现陨流线或卷边的石陨石外熔特征。 石陨石表面液体最终冷却成固体的时候,这个痕迹保留下来。这个痕迹被称之为气印。它的形状是很像那个手指印。熔壳和气印就是一块石陨石的非常重要一个特征。   此陨石通体呈黑色,油亮且有光泽,布满致密的小气泡,外部有融壳,融壳上有流纹, 外部和融壳下有时会产生大的气印。质地上乘,是难得的稀世珍品,它对天文的研究和探索有着 重大的意义,更具有极大的收藏价值。重约42.3g,不规则形状,熔壳在阳光下闪耀着耀眼光芒,非常珍贵,具有很高科研、观赏和考古价值,科研价值极高!

Introduction to art works:When meteorites enter the outer atmosphere of the earth, most of the meteorites fall in a rotating and tumbling posture. Therefore, only a few of the meteorites whose melting surface can show the flow patterns of meteorites are called directional meteorites. There is no trace of meteorite flow line (meteorite streamline) on the surface of meteorite melted by high temperature during continuous rotation flight. Only when the meteorite falls under the condition of non rotation and directional operation, can the meteorite with meteorite streamline or curl edge appear. When the liquid on the surface of the meteorite finally cools to a solid, the trace remains. This trace is called an air seal. It's shaped like that finger print. Melting shell and air seal are very important features of a meteorite.The whole body of the meteorite is black, bright and glossy, covered with dense small bubbles. There is a melting shell on the outside, and there are flow lines on the melting shell. Sometimes, large air marks are produced on the outside and under the melting shell. It is of great significance to the research and exploration of astronomy and has great collection value. It weighs about 42.3g and is irregular in shape. The melting shell is shining in the sunlight. It is very precious. It has high scientific research, ornamental and archaeological value!


更多精品展示,敬请关注贵州乾禾艺术品特别推荐!More boutique exhibition, Please pay attention to Guizhou Qianhe art special recommendation!

来源: 科创新闻网 责任编辑:TF002C
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