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时间:2020-08-05 11:01  阅读:1



Special recommendation of Guizhou Qianhe: Sichuan copper coins




Art No.: qhbj200093

Art Title: Sichuan copper coins

Artwork specification: see the object for specifications

艺术品简介:     光绪二十九年(1903)六月,建立四川铜元局,其规模不大,仅就原购铸小制钱的废机修整使用.厂房是机器局的压铜厂和旧的铜钱厂,铸料是机器局的枪弹废壳边渣和宝川局余铜,圯炼净尽。按铜96%、铅0.1%及其他的比例配铸“当五”、“当十”铜元。所铸铜元悉用紫铜,量较好。军政府接受了四川成都造币厂,决议铸造“四川铜币”以应急。民国元年(1912年)4月,四川成都造币厂奉四川军政府之命,开模铸造“军政府造四川铜币”,军政府造四川铜币应运而生,带有鲜明而浓厚的历史特征,历史价值重大。四川铜币军政府造当制钱一百文,构思巧妙,工艺精湛,品相较好,集历史价值、艺术价值和收藏价值为一体,是一枚百年难得一见的钱币收藏精品,值得珍藏!   此组钱币本身包浆老道自然具有非常明显的历史过渡性特征,市场升值空间巨大,乃深值收藏之佳品!  

Introduction to art works:In June 1903, the Sichuan copper yuan Bureau was established. It was not large in scale. It was only used to repair and use the waste machines which were used to make small coins. The workshops are the copper pressing plant and the old copper coin factory of the machinery bureau, and the casting materials are the scraps of gun shells and the surplus copper of Baochuan Bureau. According to the proportion of copper 96%, lead 0.1% and others, "Dangwu" and "Dangshi" were cast. The copper ingot is made of red copper with good quantity. The military government accepted the Sichuan Chengdu mint and decided to cast "Sichuan copper coins" as an emergency. In April of the first year of the Republic of China (1912), the Chengdu mint of Sichuan Province was ordered by the Sichuan military government to open a mold to cast the "Sichuan copper coin made by the military government". The Sichuan copper coin produced by the military government came into being, with distinct and strong historical characteristics and great historical value. Sichuan copper coins are made by the military government of Sichuan Province. They are ingenious in conception, exquisite in craftsmanship and good in appearance. They are of historical value, artistic value and collection value. They are a rare collection of coins in a century and worth collecting!This group of coins has a very obvious historical transitional characteristics, the market appreciation space is huge, is a good collection of deep value!


更多精品展示,敬请关注贵州乾禾艺术品特别推荐!More boutique exhibition, Please pay attention to Guizhou Qianhe art special recommendation!

来源: 科创新闻网 责任编辑:TF002C
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