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时间:2020-09-18 15:19  阅读:1



Recommended by Guizhou Qianhe



艺术品规格:重约:11.2g  直径约:3.27cm

Art No.: qhbj200143

Art Title: Xianfeng treasure

Artwork specification: weight: 11.2g, diameter: 3.27cm


咸丰重宝是咸丰帝年间发行流通的铜币,是中国古钱币中的四大重宝之一,正面镌刻“咸丰重宝”字样,字体清晰浑厚,背面上下刻有“当十”二字,左右刻满文,从币面来看,此钱币做工简洁,字迹深峻,承袭了我国数千年来圆形方孔钱的风格。    咸丰重宝当十钱虽然是咸丰大钱中计值较低的品种,但是由于铸造时间早,流通区域广,所以在诸多咸丰大钱之中,应当推举咸丰重宝当十钱币为最,这也是自古以来古泉爱好者最关心并致力于收藏和欣赏的计值钱币。    此枚钱币整体包浆醇厚,品相较好,历经百年岁月,见证中国近代百年变迁,集文物欣赏价值、历史考据价值以及钱币收藏价值于一体。      

Introduction to art works:

Xianfeng chongbao is a copper coin issued and circulated during the reign of emperor Xianfeng. It is one of the four major treasures in ancient Chinese coins. The front side is engraved with the words "Xianfeng chongbao". The font is clear and thick, and the two characters "Dang Shi" are engraved on the back. From the perspective of coin surface, the coin is simple in workmanship and deep in handwriting, which inherits the style of round square hole money for thousands of years in China.Although Xianfeng chongbao Dangshi coin is a low value variety in Xianfeng large coins, due to its early casting time and wide circulation area, Xianfeng chongbao Dangshi coin should be selected as the most valuable coin among many Xianfeng large coins, which is also the valued coin that Guquan lovers care about most and devote themselves to collecting and appreciating since ancient times.The coin has a mellow coating and a good appearance. It has witnessed the changes of modern China in the past 100 years and integrates the value of Cultural Relic Appreciation, historical textual research and coin collection.


更多精品展示,敬请关注贵州乾禾艺术品特别推荐!More boutique exhibition, Please pay attention to Guizhou Qianhe art special recommendation!

来源: 科创新闻网 责任编辑:TF002C
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