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时间:2020-09-18 15:40  阅读:1



Guizhou Qianhe special recommendation: high quality pig treasure




Art No.: qhbj200103

Art name: boutique pig treasure

Artwork specification: see real object


猪宝又名猪辰砂,《唐本草》早记载称为野猪黄,为猪科动物野猪胆囊中的结石,味辛、甘、平、无毒,外形如同豆粒,或呈粉末状,外观呈粉红色或棕褐色,表面有少许光泽猪砂研究报告指出:猪砂是一种名贵紧缺中材,其形成时间较长,而猪的饲养期又很短,所以很少在猪体内发现,但也有偶尔可见的。近几年,稀有药材突然成为收藏界的宠儿,一度被收藏者们视为瑰宝,其收藏价值也不断被收藏家们发掘出来,市场价值在不断升温,有些品质上好的能够轻易地卖到几百万的高价。   该猪宝整体外表布满棕褐色猪毛,经过自然风干,重量基本已经稳定。从其性状、色泽上看,已是一味老药的样貌,毋庸置疑是所有同类药材中的上等佳品,从发现至今仅过半年,具有极高的药用价值。

Introduction to art works:Zhubao is also known as pig cinnabar. According to the early records of Tang Materia Medica, it is called wild boar yellow. It is spicy, sweet, flat and non-toxic. It is shaped like beans, or in powder form, and its appearance is pink or brown, There is a little luster on the surface of pig sand. The research report points out that pig sand is a kind of rare and scarce material. Its formation time is long and the feeding period of pig is very short. Therefore, it is rarely found in pigs, but it can be seen occasionally. In recent years, rare medicinal materials have suddenly become the favorite of the collection industry, once regarded as a treasure by collectors, and its collection value has been constantly explored by collectors. The market value is constantly rising, and some good quality medicines can easily be sold for millions of high prices.The overall appearance of the pig treasure is covered with brown pig hair. After natural air drying, its weight has been basically stable. In terms of its character and color, it is the appearance of an old medicine. It is undoubtedly the best of all the same kind of medicinal materials. It is only half a year since its discovery, and it has high medicinal value.


更多精品展示,敬请关注贵州乾禾艺术品特别推荐!More boutique exhibition, Please pay attention to Guizhou Qianhe art special recommendation!

来源: 科创新闻网 责任编辑:TF002C
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