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时间:2019-12-02 17:59



Guizhou ancient international boutique recommendation: sitting on foreign currency


藏品规格:重约:22.3g  直径约:3.89cm

Collection No.: pmxjp19252

Collection name: sitting foreign currencySpecifications: weight: 22.3g diameter: 3.89cm 

藏品简介:坐洋币是因为银元正面希腊自由女神坐像因此而得名。为清末民初在华流通的外国银圆之一。各种坐洋断断续续发行至1928年,因为战争的阴影而宣告结束。而中国在1933年实行废两改元后,船洋法币逐渐一统市场,外国银圆在中国不受重视,恰巧的是这个时候坐洋也销声匿迹了。 坐洋币又称法属印度支那贸易银圆,亦称安南银元。而所谓贸易银圆,就是一些老牌帝国主义国家为了发展殖民地贸易而发行的银币,坐洋币就是其中之一。

1858年,法兰西第二帝国入侵安南(今越南),1884年,强迫安南签订第二次《顺化条约》,安南沦为法国殖民地,为了发展殖民地贸易经济,法西兰第二帝国铸造坐洋币。中国在1933年实行废两改元后,法国船洋法币逐渐消失,坐洋币也随之消失。银币正面的主图为手执束棒的自由女神坐像,坐像的两侧铸法文文字是:REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE(法兰西共和国)。女神座下方有小字法文BARRE和该币发行的年份。银币背面的主图案为一花环,周圈为说明文字,花环上方铸法文为:FRANCAISE INDO-CHINE(法兰西印度支那),银币花环中间的横向文字为银币的面额:PIASTRE DE COMMERCE(皮阿斯特的贸易银)。银币花环下方文字为:TITRE 0.900 POIDS 27 GR。但此币是完全颠倒过来,花环上下呈180°颠倒,乃极其少见的错版币,存世量尤为稀少,乃珍品也。极具研究价值与收藏意义,保存至今非常难得,由此,此钱币有极高的收藏及出手价值。

Introduction to the collection: sitting on the foreign currency is named for the sitting statue of Greek liberty on the obverse of the silver dollar. It is one of the foreign silver dollars circulating in China in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. All kinds of sitting in the ocean were issued intermittently until 1928, which was ended by the shadow of war. However, after the abolition of the two yuan reform in 1933, the shipping and foreign currencies gradually unified the market, and foreign silver dollars were not valued in China, which happened to disappear at this time The foreign currency is also known as the French silver trade in Indochina, also known as Annan silver dollar. The so-called trade silver dollar refers to the silver coins issued by some old imperialist countries for the purpose of developing colonial trade. Sitting in the foreign currency is one of them.

In 1858, the Second Empire of France invaded Annam (now Vietnam). In 1884, Annam was forced to sign the second Treaty of Shunhua. Annam became a French colony. In order to develop the trade and economy of the colony, the Second Empire of France struck foreign currency. After the abolition of the two yuan reform in 1933, the French ship currency gradually disappeared, and so did the foreign currency. The main figure on the obverse of the silver coin is the seated statue of liberty with a bar in hand, and the French characters on both sides of the seated statue are: Republique Francaise. Below the goddess is the small French Barre and the year of issue. The main pattern on the back of the silver coin is a wreath. The circle is explanatory. The French wreath is cast on the wreath: FRANCAISE INDO-CHINE (French Indochina), and the transverse character in the middle of the silver garland is the silver Denomination: PIASTRE DE COMMERCE (Astor's trade silver). The text below the silver wreath is: titu 0.900 Poids 27 gr. However, this coin is completely reversed, with the wreath 180 ° upside down. It is a very rare wrong type of coin, especially rare, but precious. It is of great research value and collection significance. It is very rare to be preserved so far. Therefore, this coin has a very high collection and sale value.


更多精品展示,敬请关注贵州上古国际精品推荐!More boutique exhibition, please pay attention to Guizhou ancient international boutique recommendation!

来源: 科创新闻网 责任编辑:企投新闻网
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Guizhou ancient international boutique recommendation: sitting on foreign currency


藏品规格:重约:22.3g  直径约:3.89cm

Collection No.: pmxjp19252

Collection name: sitting foreign currencySpecifications: weight: 22.3g diameter: 3.89cm 

藏品简介:坐洋币是因为银元正面希腊自由女神坐像因此而得名。为清末民初在华流通的外国银圆之一。各种坐洋断断续续发行至1928年,因为战争的阴影而宣告结束。而中国在1933年实行废两改元后,船洋法币逐渐一统市场,外国银圆在中国不受重视,恰巧的是这个时候坐洋也销声匿迹了。 坐洋币又称法属印度支那贸易银圆,亦称安南银元。而所谓贸易银圆,就是一些老牌帝国主义国家为了发展殖民地贸易而发行的银币,坐洋币就是其中之一。

1858年,法兰西第二帝国入侵安南(今越南),1884年,强迫安南签订第二次《顺化条约》,安南沦为法国殖民地,为了发展殖民地贸易经济,法西兰第二帝国铸造坐洋币。中国在1933年实行废两改元后,法国船洋法币逐渐消失,坐洋币也随之消失。银币正面的主图为手执束棒的自由女神坐像,坐像的两侧铸法文文字是:REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE(法兰西共和国)。女神座下方有小字法文BARRE和该币发行的年份。银币背面的主图案为一花环,周圈为说明文字,花环上方铸法文为:FRANCAISE INDO-CHINE(法兰西印度支那),银币花环中间的横向文字为银币的面额:PIASTRE DE COMMERCE(皮阿斯特的贸易银)。银币花环下方文字为:TITRE 0.900 POIDS 27 GR。但此币是完全颠倒过来,花环上下呈180°颠倒,乃极其少见的错版币,存世量尤为稀少,乃珍品也。极具研究价值与收藏意义,保存至今非常难得,由此,此钱币有极高的收藏及出手价值。

Introduction to the collection: sitting on the foreign currency is named for the sitting statue of Greek liberty on the obverse of the silver dollar. It is one of the foreign silver dollars circulating in China in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. All kinds of sitting in the ocean were issued intermittently until 1928, which was ended by the shadow of war. However, after the abolition of the two yuan reform in 1933, the shipping and foreign currencies gradually unified the market, and foreign silver dollars were not valued in China, which happened to disappear at this time The foreign currency is also known as the French silver trade in Indochina, also known as Annan silver dollar. The so-called trade silver dollar refers to the silver coins issued by some old imperialist countries for the purpose of developing colonial trade. Sitting in the foreign currency is one of them.

In 1858, the Second Empire of France invaded Annam (now Vietnam). In 1884, Annam was forced to sign the second Treaty of Shunhua. Annam became a French colony. In order to develop the trade and economy of the colony, the Second Empire of France struck foreign currency. After the abolition of the two yuan reform in 1933, the French ship currency gradually disappeared, and so did the foreign currency. The main figure on the obverse of the silver coin is the seated statue of liberty with a bar in hand, and the French characters on both sides of the seated statue are: Republique Francaise. Below the goddess is the small French Barre and the year of issue. The main pattern on the back of the silver coin is a wreath. The circle is explanatory. The French wreath is cast on the wreath: FRANCAISE INDO-CHINE (French Indochina), and the transverse character in the middle of the silver garland is the silver Denomination: PIASTRE DE COMMERCE (Astor's trade silver). The text below the silver wreath is: titu 0.900 Poids 27 gr. However, this coin is completely reversed, with the wreath 180 ° upside down. It is a very rare wrong type of coin, especially rare, but precious. It is of great research value and collection significance. It is very rare to be preserved so far. Therefore, this coin has a very high collection and sale value.


更多精品展示,敬请关注贵州上古国际精品推荐!More boutique exhibition, please pay attention to Guizhou ancient international boutique recommendation!

关键词:贵州上古国际精品推荐:坐洋币 编辑:环球快讯网
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