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时间:2019-12-11 16:21



藏品名称:贵州龙化石            藏品规格:重约:1067g    

Guizhou ancient international boutique recommendation:  Guizhou Dragon Fossil

Collection No. PMBJ190088       

Collection Name: Guizhou Dragon Fossil     

Collection Specification: Heavy approximation: 1067g

藏品简介:贵州龙生活在距今2.1亿年前中三叠纪, 这里生息着一种小型幻龙--贵州龙。它小脑袋、长脖子,身体宽扁,很像后来出现的蛇颈龙。它四肢仍保留趾爪,能像鳄鱼一样匍匐前行。它大部分时间生活在水里,宽大的脚掌及细长的尾巴很适于在水中游泳。与其他幻龙一样,贵州龙也喜欢吃鱼及小型水生动物.此块贵州龙化石在灰黑色薄层状泥质灰岩的包裹中,龙头呈三角形,肋骨根根清晰,脊椎、骨骼完整无损,体态自然,栩栩如生,石板上躺着一条动物骨骼形体,骨骼痕迹清晰,四爪利落,形体纹路呈带状分布,精致小巧,。不妨猜想,贵州龙是在爬行中被瞬间埋葬的,才会呈现如此形态。这是一具完整的贵州龙骨骼化石,十分珍贵。因这具化石十分完整,贵州龙骨骼的部位几乎都没有缺失,比一般的龙化石会更显得珍贵。这种情况在目前过的贵州龙化石中,实属罕见。

Collection Description: Guizhou Dragon lived in the Middle Triassic Period 210 million years ago. There is a small magic dragon, Guizhou Dragon. It has a small head, a long neck and a broad flat body, much like the later plesiosaur. It still retains its toes and claws and can crawl like a crocodile. It spends most of its time in the water, and its broad feet and slender tail are suitable for swimming in the water. Like other phantom dragons, Guizhou dragons also like to eat fish and small aquatic animals.This Guizhou dragon fossil is wrapped in gray-black thin-layered argillaceous limestone. Its faucet is triangular, its rib roots are clear, its spine and bones are intact and intact. Its body is natural and lifelike. There is an animal skeleton on the slab. Its skeletal trace is clear, its four claws are sharp, and its lines are distributed in ribbons, delicate and small. It may be guessed that Guizhou dragon is buried in a moment while crawling, and it will take on such a shape. This is a complete Guizhou dragon skeleton fossil, very precious. Because the fossil is very complete, there is almost no missing part of the skeleton of Guizhou dragon, which is more precious than ordinary dragon fossils. This is a rare case in Guizhou dragon fossils.


更多精品展示,敬请关注贵州上古国际精品推荐!More boutique exhibition, please pay attention to Guizhou ancient international boutique recommendation!

来源: 科创新闻网 责任编辑:企投新闻网
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藏品名称:贵州龙化石            藏品规格:重约:1067g    

Guizhou ancient international boutique recommendation:  Guizhou Dragon Fossil

Collection No. PMBJ190088       

Collection Name: Guizhou Dragon Fossil     

Collection Specification: Heavy approximation: 1067g

藏品简介:贵州龙生活在距今2.1亿年前中三叠纪, 这里生息着一种小型幻龙--贵州龙。它小脑袋、长脖子,身体宽扁,很像后来出现的蛇颈龙。它四肢仍保留趾爪,能像鳄鱼一样匍匐前行。它大部分时间生活在水里,宽大的脚掌及细长的尾巴很适于在水中游泳。与其他幻龙一样,贵州龙也喜欢吃鱼及小型水生动物.此块贵州龙化石在灰黑色薄层状泥质灰岩的包裹中,龙头呈三角形,肋骨根根清晰,脊椎、骨骼完整无损,体态自然,栩栩如生,石板上躺着一条动物骨骼形体,骨骼痕迹清晰,四爪利落,形体纹路呈带状分布,精致小巧,。不妨猜想,贵州龙是在爬行中被瞬间埋葬的,才会呈现如此形态。这是一具完整的贵州龙骨骼化石,十分珍贵。因这具化石十分完整,贵州龙骨骼的部位几乎都没有缺失,比一般的龙化石会更显得珍贵。这种情况在目前过的贵州龙化石中,实属罕见。

Collection Description: Guizhou Dragon lived in the Middle Triassic Period 210 million years ago. There is a small magic dragon, Guizhou Dragon. It has a small head, a long neck and a broad flat body, much like the later plesiosaur. It still retains its toes and claws and can crawl like a crocodile. It spends most of its time in the water, and its broad feet and slender tail are suitable for swimming in the water. Like other phantom dragons, Guizhou dragons also like to eat fish and small aquatic animals.This Guizhou dragon fossil is wrapped in gray-black thin-layered argillaceous limestone. Its faucet is triangular, its rib roots are clear, its spine and bones are intact and intact. Its body is natural and lifelike. There is an animal skeleton on the slab. Its skeletal trace is clear, its four claws are sharp, and its lines are distributed in ribbons, delicate and small. It may be guessed that Guizhou dragon is buried in a moment while crawling, and it will take on such a shape. This is a complete Guizhou dragon skeleton fossil, very precious. Because the fossil is very complete, there is almost no missing part of the skeleton of Guizhou dragon, which is more precious than ordinary dragon fossils. This is a rare case in Guizhou dragon fossils.


更多精品展示,敬请关注贵州上古国际精品推荐!More boutique exhibition, please pay attention to Guizhou ancient international boutique recommendation!

关键词:贵州上古国际精品推荐:贵州龙化石 编辑:环球快讯网
  • 注明“来源:环球快讯网”的所有作品,版权均属于环球快讯网,未经本网授权不得转载、摘编或利用其它方式使用上述作品;经本网授权使用作品的,应在授权范围内使用,并注明"来源:环球快讯网";违反上述声明者,本网将追究其相关法律责任。
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