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时间:2019-12-23 15:39



Guizhou ancient international boutique recommendation: made by Jiaqing Tongbao Baoquan Bureau


藏品规格:重约:4.0g  直径约:2.55cm    

Collection No.: pmxjp19276

Collection name: made by Jiaqing Tongbao Baoquan Bureau

Collection specification: weight: 4.0g, diameter: 2.55cm 

藏品简介: 嘉庆帝即清仁宗爱新觉罗·颙琰(1760年11月13日-1820年9月2日),原名永琰,清朝第七位皇帝,乾隆帝第十五子,年号嘉庆,1795年~1820年在位。 

在位前四年是太上皇乾隆帝发号施令,嘉庆帝并无实权,乾隆帝死后才独掌大权。庙号仁宗,谥号受天兴运敷化绥猷崇文经武光裕孝恭勤俭端敏英哲睿皇帝,葬于清西陵之昌陵。嘉庆通宝铸于清仁宗嘉庆年间 (1796-1820年)。



Collection introduction: Emperor Jiaqing, who was the seventh emperor of the Qing Dynasty and the 15th son of Emperor Qianlong, was Emperor aixinjuelu Dien (November 13, 1760-september 2, 1820), formerly known as Yongyan. He was in power from 1795 to 1820.

In the first four years of his reign, Emperor Qianlong gave orders. Emperor Jiaqing had no real power. After Emperor Qianlong's death, he was only in power. The temple is Renzong, the posthumous title is used by tianxingyun to transform suiyou, Chongwen, wuguangyu, Xiaogong, diligent and thrifty emperor min, yingzhe and Rui. It was buried in Changling, the Western Mausoleum of the Qing Dynasty. Jiaqing Tongbao was cast in the reign of zongjiaqing (1796-1820).

Jiaqing Tongbao made by Baoquan bureau is very rare. Collectors who have not collected it are willing to auction it at a high price. So last year and this year, under the enthusiastic speculation and pursuit of the public, its value has reached a peak. It shows high collection value.

This Jiaqing Tongbao coin is 2.55cm in diameter and weighs 4.0g. After the baptism of time, the copper coins were oxidized, showing a clear outline and obvious traces of passing on. The coins are round, with a square hole in the middle. The coins are engraved with the words "Jiaqing Tongbao", which are read directly from top to bottom, right to left. The square hole on the back is engraved with the word "Bao" in Manchu on the left and the name "Quan" in Manchu on the right. The style of qianwenduanzhuang is elegant, the font is deep and straight, vertical and upright, strong and powerful, and the art value of calligraphy is quite high. The design of the whole coin is simple and elegant, simple and elegant, with moderate depth of ornamentation, intact appearance, exquisite casting and exquisite workmanship. It is a masterpiece of craftsman's ingenuity. It has an important historical significance and has a high historical research value and investment collection value, with profound significance.


更多精品展示,敬请关注贵州上古国际精品推荐!More boutique exhibition, please pay attention to Guizhou ancient international boutique recommendation!

来源: 科创新闻网 责任编辑:企投新闻网
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Guizhou ancient international boutique recommendation: made by Jiaqing Tongbao Baoquan Bureau


藏品规格:重约:4.0g  直径约:2.55cm    

Collection No.: pmxjp19276

Collection name: made by Jiaqing Tongbao Baoquan Bureau

Collection specification: weight: 4.0g, diameter: 2.55cm 

藏品简介: 嘉庆帝即清仁宗爱新觉罗·颙琰(1760年11月13日-1820年9月2日),原名永琰,清朝第七位皇帝,乾隆帝第十五子,年号嘉庆,1795年~1820年在位。 

在位前四年是太上皇乾隆帝发号施令,嘉庆帝并无实权,乾隆帝死后才独掌大权。庙号仁宗,谥号受天兴运敷化绥猷崇文经武光裕孝恭勤俭端敏英哲睿皇帝,葬于清西陵之昌陵。嘉庆通宝铸于清仁宗嘉庆年间 (1796-1820年)。



Collection introduction: Emperor Jiaqing, who was the seventh emperor of the Qing Dynasty and the 15th son of Emperor Qianlong, was Emperor aixinjuelu Dien (November 13, 1760-september 2, 1820), formerly known as Yongyan. He was in power from 1795 to 1820.

In the first four years of his reign, Emperor Qianlong gave orders. Emperor Jiaqing had no real power. After Emperor Qianlong's death, he was only in power. The temple is Renzong, the posthumous title is used by tianxingyun to transform suiyou, Chongwen, wuguangyu, Xiaogong, diligent and thrifty emperor min, yingzhe and Rui. It was buried in Changling, the Western Mausoleum of the Qing Dynasty. Jiaqing Tongbao was cast in the reign of zongjiaqing (1796-1820).

Jiaqing Tongbao made by Baoquan bureau is very rare. Collectors who have not collected it are willing to auction it at a high price. So last year and this year, under the enthusiastic speculation and pursuit of the public, its value has reached a peak. It shows high collection value.

This Jiaqing Tongbao coin is 2.55cm in diameter and weighs 4.0g. After the baptism of time, the copper coins were oxidized, showing a clear outline and obvious traces of passing on. The coins are round, with a square hole in the middle. The coins are engraved with the words "Jiaqing Tongbao", which are read directly from top to bottom, right to left. The square hole on the back is engraved with the word "Bao" in Manchu on the left and the name "Quan" in Manchu on the right. The style of qianwenduanzhuang is elegant, the font is deep and straight, vertical and upright, strong and powerful, and the art value of calligraphy is quite high. The design of the whole coin is simple and elegant, simple and elegant, with moderate depth of ornamentation, intact appearance, exquisite casting and exquisite workmanship. It is a masterpiece of craftsman's ingenuity. It has an important historical significance and has a high historical research value and investment collection value, with profound significance.


更多精品展示,敬请关注贵州上古国际精品推荐!More boutique exhibition, please pay attention to Guizhou ancient international boutique recommendation!

关键词:贵州上古国际精品推荐:嘉庆通宝宝泉局造 编辑:环球快讯网
  • 注明“来源:环球快讯网”的所有作品,版权均属于环球快讯网,未经本网授权不得转载、摘编或利用其它方式使用上述作品;经本网授权使用作品的,应在授权范围内使用,并注明"来源:环球快讯网";违反上述声明者,本网将追究其相关法律责任。
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