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时间:2020-05-13 17:52



Guizhou Qianhe special recommendation: OMG Swiss Pocket Watch




Art No.: qhxjp20012

Art name: OMG Swiss Pocket Watch

Artwork specification: see the real object 


怀表,英文名称是POCKET WATCH,意思就是口袋里的表。同手表名称相比,根据怀表的中文名称顾名思义,应该是佩带在胸前、怀里的表。它表端有一条链子可以固定在身上,可以是装在西装背心口袋里的袖珍钟。

怀表自于15世纪最早起源,到20世纪中期终止,前后经历了500年,在这五百年间每个时期的藏品都有其独特的价值。18世纪后期杠杆式擒纵器诞生前为分水岭,之前多数的怀表结构多为verge escapement,也就是从15世纪怀表起源所采用的最原始的擒纵器装置,这些怀表多属于当时欧洲宫廷贵族,在当时,怀表是代表身份地位的象征,由于17世纪中期英国君王查理二世对马甲穿着的认可与推广后,佩戴怀表到18世纪前期的在欧洲变成一种潮流,并在而后演变出来的绅士文化中成为不可或缺的一部分,一直到18世纪中后期以前,怀表都还是欧洲上流社会的玩物,如今这些时期的藏品已在各大拍卖行里天价拍卖。                                               

Introduction to art:

Pocket watch, English name is pocket watch, which means pocket watch. Compared with the name of the watch, according to the Chinese name of the pocket watch as the name implies, it should be a watch worn in the chest and chest. It has a chain at the end of the watch that can be fixed on the body, and it can be a pocket clock in the pocket of a suit vest.

Huaibiao originated in the 15th century and ended in the middle of the 20th century. It has gone through 500 years before and after. The collection of Huaibiao in each period has its unique value. In the late 18th century, before the birth of lever escapement, it was a watershed. Before that, most pocket watches had verge structure Escapement, the most primitive escapement device used since the origin of pocket watch in the 15th century, most of these pocket watches belonged to the nobles of European Court at that time. At that time, the pocket watch was a symbol of status. After the recognition and promotion of waistcoat by King Charles II of England in the mid-17th century, wearing pocket watch became a trend in Europe in the early 18th century, and then evolved The culture of gentlemen has become an indispensable part. Until the middle and late 18th century, pocket watches were still the playthings of European upper class society. Nowadays, collections of these periods have been auctioned at high prices in various auction houses.



More boutique exhibition, Please pay attention to Guizhou Qianhe art special recommendation!

来源: 科创新闻网 责任编辑:企投新闻网
  • 注明“来源:环球快讯网”的所有作品,版权均属于环球快讯网,未经本网授权不得转载、摘编或利用其它方式使用上述作品;经本网授权使用作品的,应在授权范围内使用,并注明"来源:环球快讯网";违反上述声明者,本网将追究其相关法律责任。
  • 环球快讯网转载文章是为了传播信息,不代表本网观点。如因作品内容、版权和其它问题需同本网联系的,请在相关作品刊发之日起30日内发送至电子邮箱:




Guizhou Qianhe special recommendation: OMG Swiss Pocket Watch




Art No.: qhxjp20012

Art name: OMG Swiss Pocket Watch

Artwork specification: see the real object 


怀表,英文名称是POCKET WATCH,意思就是口袋里的表。同手表名称相比,根据怀表的中文名称顾名思义,应该是佩带在胸前、怀里的表。它表端有一条链子可以固定在身上,可以是装在西装背心口袋里的袖珍钟。

怀表自于15世纪最早起源,到20世纪中期终止,前后经历了500年,在这五百年间每个时期的藏品都有其独特的价值。18世纪后期杠杆式擒纵器诞生前为分水岭,之前多数的怀表结构多为verge escapement,也就是从15世纪怀表起源所采用的最原始的擒纵器装置,这些怀表多属于当时欧洲宫廷贵族,在当时,怀表是代表身份地位的象征,由于17世纪中期英国君王查理二世对马甲穿着的认可与推广后,佩戴怀表到18世纪前期的在欧洲变成一种潮流,并在而后演变出来的绅士文化中成为不可或缺的一部分,一直到18世纪中后期以前,怀表都还是欧洲上流社会的玩物,如今这些时期的藏品已在各大拍卖行里天价拍卖。                                               

Introduction to art:

Pocket watch, English name is pocket watch, which means pocket watch. Compared with the name of the watch, according to the Chinese name of the pocket watch as the name implies, it should be a watch worn in the chest and chest. It has a chain at the end of the watch that can be fixed on the body, and it can be a pocket clock in the pocket of a suit vest.

Huaibiao originated in the 15th century and ended in the middle of the 20th century. It has gone through 500 years before and after. The collection of Huaibiao in each period has its unique value. In the late 18th century, before the birth of lever escapement, it was a watershed. Before that, most pocket watches had verge structure Escapement, the most primitive escapement device used since the origin of pocket watch in the 15th century, most of these pocket watches belonged to the nobles of European Court at that time. At that time, the pocket watch was a symbol of status. After the recognition and promotion of waistcoat by King Charles II of England in the mid-17th century, wearing pocket watch became a trend in Europe in the early 18th century, and then evolved The culture of gentlemen has become an indispensable part. Until the middle and late 18th century, pocket watches were still the playthings of European upper class society. Nowadays, collections of these periods have been auctioned at high prices in various auction houses.



More boutique exhibition, Please pay attention to Guizhou Qianhe art special recommendation!

关键词:贵州乾禾特别推荐:OMG瑞士怀表 编辑:环球快讯网
  • 注明“来源:环球快讯网”的所有作品,版权均属于环球快讯网,未经本网授权不得转载、摘编或利用其它方式使用上述作品;经本网授权使用作品的,应在授权范围内使用,并注明"来源:环球快讯网";违反上述声明者,本网将追究其相关法律责任。
  • 环球快讯网转载文章是为了传播信息,不代表本网观点。如因作品内容、版权和其它问题需同本网联系的,请在相关作品刊发之日起30日内发送至电子邮箱:
