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时间:2020-08-05 11:06



Special recommendation of Guizhou Qianhe: 1000 yuan of guanjin certificate 




Art No.: qhdb200085

Name of artwork: one thousand yuan of guanjin certificate

Artwork specification: see real object 




Introduction to art works:

The Bank of China was founded earlier than the people's Republic of China. At that time, the first set of RMB was printed in the Republic of China, so it could only be used in the Republic of China. This type of money was issued for a short time, and it was quickly taken back. The reason is that at that time, China's banknote printing technology was provided by the Soviet Union, and the technical equipment was provided by the Soviet Union. Of course, the Soviet Union could also print real money, in order to prevent the Soviet Union After disrupting China's economic market, it was recovered and printed with small denomination banknotes. Even if the Soviet Union printed them, it would not have an impact on the domestic economy, and the cost of printing small denomination banknotes would be lost. The maximum denomination is 50000.

This one thousand yuan note in the 37th year of the Republic of China is also nearly 80 years old. It was issued for a short time before the founding of the people's Republic of China. This period is also very coincident and has rare historical significance. From the point of view of coin paper, it is really valuable to keep it like this. After all, the paper will encounter a series of situations such as moisture, weathering, damage and so on in the long years, but this coin is complete and the handwriting is clear. It has great collection value.


更多精品展示,敬请关注贵州乾禾艺术品特别推荐!More boutique exhibition, Please pay attention to Guizhou Qianhe art special recommendation!

来源: 科创新闻网 责任编辑:企投新闻网
  • 注明“来源:环球快讯网”的所有作品,版权均属于环球快讯网,未经本网授权不得转载、摘编或利用其它方式使用上述作品;经本网授权使用作品的,应在授权范围内使用,并注明"来源:环球快讯网";违反上述声明者,本网将追究其相关法律责任。
  • 环球快讯网转载文章是为了传播信息,不代表本网观点。如因作品内容、版权和其它问题需同本网联系的,请在相关作品刊发之日起30日内发送至电子邮箱:




Special recommendation of Guizhou Qianhe: 1000 yuan of guanjin certificate 




Art No.: qhdb200085

Name of artwork: one thousand yuan of guanjin certificate

Artwork specification: see real object 




Introduction to art works:

The Bank of China was founded earlier than the people's Republic of China. At that time, the first set of RMB was printed in the Republic of China, so it could only be used in the Republic of China. This type of money was issued for a short time, and it was quickly taken back. The reason is that at that time, China's banknote printing technology was provided by the Soviet Union, and the technical equipment was provided by the Soviet Union. Of course, the Soviet Union could also print real money, in order to prevent the Soviet Union After disrupting China's economic market, it was recovered and printed with small denomination banknotes. Even if the Soviet Union printed them, it would not have an impact on the domestic economy, and the cost of printing small denomination banknotes would be lost. The maximum denomination is 50000.

This one thousand yuan note in the 37th year of the Republic of China is also nearly 80 years old. It was issued for a short time before the founding of the people's Republic of China. This period is also very coincident and has rare historical significance. From the point of view of coin paper, it is really valuable to keep it like this. After all, the paper will encounter a series of situations such as moisture, weathering, damage and so on in the long years, but this coin is complete and the handwriting is clear. It has great collection value.


更多精品展示,敬请关注贵州乾禾艺术品特别推荐!More boutique exhibition, Please pay attention to Guizhou Qianhe art special recommendation!

关键词:贵州乾禾特别推荐:关金券壹仟圆整 编辑:环球快讯网
  • 注明“来源:环球快讯网”的所有作品,版权均属于环球快讯网,未经本网授权不得转载、摘编或利用其它方式使用上述作品;经本网授权使用作品的,应在授权范围内使用,并注明"来源:环球快讯网";违反上述声明者,本网将追究其相关法律责任。
  • 环球快讯网转载文章是为了传播信息,不代表本网观点。如因作品内容、版权和其它问题需同本网联系的,请在相关作品刊发之日起30日内发送至电子邮箱:
