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时间:2020-09-18 15:28



A group of metallic meteorites recommended by Qianhe, Guizhou




Art No.: qhbj200130

Art name: a group of metal meteorites

Artwork specification: weight: 48.3g


    陨石也称“陨星”,是地球以外脱离原有运行轨道的宇宙流星或尘碎块飞快散落到地球或其它行星表面的未燃尽的石质的、铁质的或是石铁混合物质 或极为稀少的地球上未有的稀有金属陨石。外太空稀有金属陨石珠,相比迄今发现其它任何太空陨石有很大差异,这类陨石不但是特殊稀有金属陨石吻合外太空稀有金属陨石成分分布,而且这类来自外太空的稀有金属陨石是经过多次爆炸后继续燃烧熔融,土石以及低熔点的金属化成灰积消失,高熔点的重金属成为液态状,飞落在地球表面而形成的物体,就是外太空特殊稀有金属陨石珠,其形状有液滴状、纽扣状、椭圆球状和圆饼断裂状,最小的只有零点几克,还有几克的十几克的几十克的,最大的也很少有两百克以上的,是因为稀有金属液态状温度极高,接触地球表面时的内外温差太大,在极速冷却过程中再次断裂。外太空稀有金属陨石珠的颜色有暗黑色、暗红色、红褐色,无磁性,比重大,气印明显,有的表面有经典的陨石熔流线和凸凹脉络,还有的表面光亮,是极好的收藏佳品,更具有很高的科研价值。

Introduction to art works:

Meteorite, also known as "meteorite", is a kind of unburned stone, iron or mixture of rock and iron, or rare rare metal meteorite which is not found on the earth or other planets. Rare metal meteorites from outer space are quite different from any other meteorites discovered so far. These meteorites are not only special rare metal meteorites, but also conform to the composition distribution of rare metal meteorites in outer space. Moreover, these rare metal meteorites from outer space continue to burn and melt after many explosions, the metallization and ash deposition of earth and rock and low melting point disappear, and heavy gold with high melting point disappears It is a kind of special rare metal meteorite beads in outer space. Its shapes are droplet like, button shaped, elliptical spherical and round cake broken. The smallest one is only a few grams, there are dozens of grams of several grams, and the largest one is rarely more than 200 grams. This is because the liquid state of rare metals is extremely hot and contacts the earth The temperature difference between the inside and outside of the surface is too large, and it breaks again in the process of rapid cooling. The color of rare metal meteorite beads in outer space is dark black, dark red, reddish brown, non-magnetic, and has obvious air seal. Some surfaces have classic meteorite melting lines and convex and concave veins, and others have bright surface. They are excellent collections and high scientific research value.


更多精品展示,敬请关注贵州乾禾艺术品特别推荐!More boutique exhibition, Please pay attention to Guizhou Qianhe art special recommendation!

来源: 科创新闻网 责任编辑:企投新闻网
  • 注明“来源:环球快讯网”的所有作品,版权均属于环球快讯网,未经本网授权不得转载、摘编或利用其它方式使用上述作品;经本网授权使用作品的,应在授权范围内使用,并注明"来源:环球快讯网";违反上述声明者,本网将追究其相关法律责任。
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A group of metallic meteorites recommended by Qianhe, Guizhou




Art No.: qhbj200130

Art name: a group of metal meteorites

Artwork specification: weight: 48.3g


    陨石也称“陨星”,是地球以外脱离原有运行轨道的宇宙流星或尘碎块飞快散落到地球或其它行星表面的未燃尽的石质的、铁质的或是石铁混合物质 或极为稀少的地球上未有的稀有金属陨石。外太空稀有金属陨石珠,相比迄今发现其它任何太空陨石有很大差异,这类陨石不但是特殊稀有金属陨石吻合外太空稀有金属陨石成分分布,而且这类来自外太空的稀有金属陨石是经过多次爆炸后继续燃烧熔融,土石以及低熔点的金属化成灰积消失,高熔点的重金属成为液态状,飞落在地球表面而形成的物体,就是外太空特殊稀有金属陨石珠,其形状有液滴状、纽扣状、椭圆球状和圆饼断裂状,最小的只有零点几克,还有几克的十几克的几十克的,最大的也很少有两百克以上的,是因为稀有金属液态状温度极高,接触地球表面时的内外温差太大,在极速冷却过程中再次断裂。外太空稀有金属陨石珠的颜色有暗黑色、暗红色、红褐色,无磁性,比重大,气印明显,有的表面有经典的陨石熔流线和凸凹脉络,还有的表面光亮,是极好的收藏佳品,更具有很高的科研价值。

Introduction to art works:

Meteorite, also known as "meteorite", is a kind of unburned stone, iron or mixture of rock and iron, or rare rare metal meteorite which is not found on the earth or other planets. Rare metal meteorites from outer space are quite different from any other meteorites discovered so far. These meteorites are not only special rare metal meteorites, but also conform to the composition distribution of rare metal meteorites in outer space. Moreover, these rare metal meteorites from outer space continue to burn and melt after many explosions, the metallization and ash deposition of earth and rock and low melting point disappear, and heavy gold with high melting point disappears It is a kind of special rare metal meteorite beads in outer space. Its shapes are droplet like, button shaped, elliptical spherical and round cake broken. The smallest one is only a few grams, there are dozens of grams of several grams, and the largest one is rarely more than 200 grams. This is because the liquid state of rare metals is extremely hot and contacts the earth The temperature difference between the inside and outside of the surface is too large, and it breaks again in the process of rapid cooling. The color of rare metal meteorite beads in outer space is dark black, dark red, reddish brown, non-magnetic, and has obvious air seal. Some surfaces have classic meteorite melting lines and convex and concave veins, and others have bright surface. They are excellent collections and high scientific research value.


更多精品展示,敬请关注贵州乾禾艺术品特别推荐!More boutique exhibition, Please pay attention to Guizhou Qianhe art special recommendation!

关键词: 编辑:环球快讯网
  • 注明“来源:环球快讯网”的所有作品,版权均属于环球快讯网,未经本网授权不得转载、摘编或利用其它方式使用上述作品;经本网授权使用作品的,应在授权范围内使用,并注明"来源:环球快讯网";违反上述声明者,本网将追究其相关法律责任。
  • 环球快讯网转载文章是为了传播信息,不代表本网观点。如因作品内容、版权和其它问题需同本网联系的,请在相关作品刊发之日起30日内发送至电子邮箱:
