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时间:2020-09-18 15:38



Special recommendation of Guizhou Qianhe: one yuan commemorative coin for the founding of the Republic of China



艺术品规格:重约:26.6g  直径约:3.92cm 

Art No.: qhxjp20119

Art Title: one yuan commemorative coin of the founding of the Republic of China

Artwork specification: weight: 26.6g, diameter: 3.92cm


   此银币系上六星版中华民国开国纪念币。银币正面中心是孙中山侧面照,上方镌“中华民国”,下镌“开国纪念币”,左右各有长枝梅花图案。背面中间有币值“壹圆”字样,左右各辅以嘉禾图案,每枝一穗三叶,代表“三民主义”之意,上侧铸有“MEMENTO”(纪念币)字样,下侧为“BIRTH OF REPUBLIC OF CHINA”(中华民国诞生)。图案中还具有很深的寓意:隶书“民”的最后一划拉长,意为推翻满清,象征民主胜利(人民出头),也宣示乃大众的政府。银币左右五瓣梅花各一支,五权宪法意者也。后即以此为国花。豆、麦穗取丰岁足民之义,垂劝农务本之规。三叶,三民主义意也。六角星则是区分铸币不同版别的重要依据。此枚银币整币品相好,色泽自然,文字、图案细腻清晰,深浅合适,孙中山头像栩栩如生,散发出一股王者的风范和历史沉淀的气息,有着深厚的文化寓意。此币是比较少见的一种,可谓凤毛麟角。观之此币局部可见自然包浆,但总体保存完整,字体纹饰均清晰可辨,具有很高的收藏价值。


Introduction to art works:

This silver coin is a six-star commemorative coin for the founding of the Republic of China. The front center of the silver coin is Sun Yat Sen's profile, with "Republic of China" on the top and "Founding commemorative coin" on the bottom, with plum blossom patterns on both sides. In the middle of the back is the word "one yuan" with Jiahe pattern on the left and right. Each branch has three leaves, representing the meaning of the "three people's principles". On the upper side is the word "memento" (commemorative coin) and on the lower side is "birth of the Republic of China". There is also a deep implication in the design: the last stroke of "people" in the official script means to overthrow the Manchu Dynasty, symbolizing the victory of Democracy (the people coming first) and declaring that it is the government of the masses. There is a silver coin with five petals of plum blossom on the left and right sides, which means the five power constitution. Later, it was regarded as the national flower. Beans, wheat to take the full year of the people's righteousness, vertical advice of agriculture based on the rules. Three leaves, the three people's principles. The six pointed star is an important basis for distinguishing different types of coins. The silver coin is of good quality, natural color, fine and clear characters and patterns, and suitable depth. The head portrait of Sun Yat Sen is lifelike, giving off a king's demeanor and the breath of historical precipitation, which has profound cultural implications. This coin is a rare one, which can be said to be rare. This coin can be seen in some parts of the coin, but it is completely preserved, and the characters and ornaments are clear and distinguishable, so it has high collection value.

Note: this group of coins has a very obvious historical transitional characteristics, and the market appreciation space is huge, so it is a good collection with deep value!


更多精品展示,敬请关注贵州乾禾艺术品特别推荐!More boutique exhibition, Please pay attention to Guizhou Qianhe art special recommendation!

来源: 科创新闻网 责任编辑:企投新闻网
  • 注明“来源:环球快讯网”的所有作品,版权均属于环球快讯网,未经本网授权不得转载、摘编或利用其它方式使用上述作品;经本网授权使用作品的,应在授权范围内使用,并注明"来源:环球快讯网";违反上述声明者,本网将追究其相关法律责任。
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Special recommendation of Guizhou Qianhe: one yuan commemorative coin for the founding of the Republic of China



艺术品规格:重约:26.6g  直径约:3.92cm 

Art No.: qhxjp20119

Art Title: one yuan commemorative coin of the founding of the Republic of China

Artwork specification: weight: 26.6g, diameter: 3.92cm


   此银币系上六星版中华民国开国纪念币。银币正面中心是孙中山侧面照,上方镌“中华民国”,下镌“开国纪念币”,左右各有长枝梅花图案。背面中间有币值“壹圆”字样,左右各辅以嘉禾图案,每枝一穗三叶,代表“三民主义”之意,上侧铸有“MEMENTO”(纪念币)字样,下侧为“BIRTH OF REPUBLIC OF CHINA”(中华民国诞生)。图案中还具有很深的寓意:隶书“民”的最后一划拉长,意为推翻满清,象征民主胜利(人民出头),也宣示乃大众的政府。银币左右五瓣梅花各一支,五权宪法意者也。后即以此为国花。豆、麦穗取丰岁足民之义,垂劝农务本之规。三叶,三民主义意也。六角星则是区分铸币不同版别的重要依据。此枚银币整币品相好,色泽自然,文字、图案细腻清晰,深浅合适,孙中山头像栩栩如生,散发出一股王者的风范和历史沉淀的气息,有着深厚的文化寓意。此币是比较少见的一种,可谓凤毛麟角。观之此币局部可见自然包浆,但总体保存完整,字体纹饰均清晰可辨,具有很高的收藏价值。


Introduction to art works:

This silver coin is a six-star commemorative coin for the founding of the Republic of China. The front center of the silver coin is Sun Yat Sen's profile, with "Republic of China" on the top and "Founding commemorative coin" on the bottom, with plum blossom patterns on both sides. In the middle of the back is the word "one yuan" with Jiahe pattern on the left and right. Each branch has three leaves, representing the meaning of the "three people's principles". On the upper side is the word "memento" (commemorative coin) and on the lower side is "birth of the Republic of China". There is also a deep implication in the design: the last stroke of "people" in the official script means to overthrow the Manchu Dynasty, symbolizing the victory of Democracy (the people coming first) and declaring that it is the government of the masses. There is a silver coin with five petals of plum blossom on the left and right sides, which means the five power constitution. Later, it was regarded as the national flower. Beans, wheat to take the full year of the people's righteousness, vertical advice of agriculture based on the rules. Three leaves, the three people's principles. The six pointed star is an important basis for distinguishing different types of coins. The silver coin is of good quality, natural color, fine and clear characters and patterns, and suitable depth. The head portrait of Sun Yat Sen is lifelike, giving off a king's demeanor and the breath of historical precipitation, which has profound cultural implications. This coin is a rare one, which can be said to be rare. This coin can be seen in some parts of the coin, but it is completely preserved, and the characters and ornaments are clear and distinguishable, so it has high collection value.

Note: this group of coins has a very obvious historical transitional characteristics, and the market appreciation space is huge, so it is a good collection with deep value!


更多精品展示,敬请关注贵州乾禾艺术品特别推荐!More boutique exhibition, Please pay attention to Guizhou Qianhe art special recommendation!

关键词: 编辑:环球快讯网
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